Saturday, March 22, 2008

YouTube Playlist: Immediate Training Required!!

I removed the playlist video so I could put them up individually and comment on each.

So without further ado...

YouTube Playlist: Immediate Training Required!!

A collection of untrained shooter videos I've found on YouTube. Some of these people (or people they're with) are lucky to be alive! Some SCARY gun handling here!!


Certainly the most famous in the playlist, this DEA agent apparently giving a gun safety presentation shoots himself in the foot for not following the basic safety rules! He's lucky he didn't kill an audience member!

"I'm the only one in this room professional enough, that I know of, to carry this Glock 40. I'm the... BANG!" Yeah, my ass you're "professional enough" to carry ANY firearm you fucking idiot!

Jenna and the Springfield XD .9mm

Jenna scares the absolute crap out of me! First there's the unnecessary changing of hands in mid-shoot then the XD apparently misfires and she turns around aiming the gun at her friend. Had that been a hangfire, her friend could have been shot!

I can only hope her friend that took her shooting NEVER takes another person shooting ever again as he clearly has no idea on how to teach a new shooter firearm safety!

At the Gun Range Shooting a REAL GUN!

This girl also scares the crap out of me! The P22 is fully loaded, the hammer is cocked. She then proceeds to point it at her friend to show the laser to the camera! Thank god her finger wasn't on the trigger! Regardless of the status of the safety, DO NOT POINT A GUN AT ANYTHING YOU'RE NOT WILLING TO DESTROY! She could have killed her friend! She also needs to learn to unload a gun before putting it down.

Idiot with a Gun

This guy almost killed his kid! Why he stopped shooting before emptying the magazine I'll never know but pointing a loaded gun near your kid and then proceed to pull the trigger for no reason does not make any sense! This guy is in some SERIOUS need for pistol safety training! Scary shit here!!

Finger on the Trigger!

Yes, cops can be in need of serious training too! This cop is LUCKY she didn't kill the suspect or her partner!

Stupid Guy and a Gun

NRA Gun Safety Rules
1. ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
2. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
3. ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.

Good thing he didn't kill anybody!!

Gun goes off by accident
Embedding disabled by request to YouTube so visit the video here...

This gun did NOT go off by accident. It was a negligent discharge. He's lucky he didn't kill someone! BTW, Beer & Guns don't mix!

Mark shoots my HK USP .40 S&W for the first time

Mark needs to get a fucking clue! I don't care if the brass is burning a hole in you're eye... ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction! and ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot! Turning around to giggle like a little schoolgirl isn't a safe direction and you're not "ready to shoot" until you're pointed downrange!

Rifle to the Roof!

Another Negligent Discharge. Thankfully no one got hurt (sorry roof!) Why he pulled the trigger, I have no idea! He could use some training!

Guy shoots himself with a Glock 18

My personal opinion is not to put an accessory grip onto a handgun. That grip fell off, he fired into his hand! If you can't handle a pistol in full auto, there are better ways to shoot a Glock 18 than to put a accessory grip meant for a carbine or rifle.

Scope to the head

Taking the NRA's Basic Rifle Safety Class would have prevented this. Thankfully he didn't get hurt too bad!

Alex pointing a gun at Mike

Watch the guy in the gray shirt. He starts with the slide open and a loaded magazine. He releases the slide. (Chambers a round) then for some reason pulls the slide back again weakly (it tries to eject that first live round) but just sits there so he tilts the gun back towards his friends face to clear the cartridge and chamber another round. Scary shit! Also look at the guy in the black. He has one of the weakest grips I've ever seen! TRAINING GUYS!

feet got blown off

I believe this video to be a fake but it depicts rather well how accidents can happen with guns. Had this person been following the gun safety rules, this wouldn't have happened.

Kid Shoots Gun Accidentally

This video is a fake (and he made a clever follow up video recently) but its premise is certainly plausible. Follow the basic safety rules and this will never happen.

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