Saturday, June 28, 2008

NRA Files Second Amendment Cases in Illinois

The Chicago case challenges a handgun ban nearly identical to the law struck down yesterday in Washington, D.C. The other Illinois suits challenge handgun bans in the suburban towns of Evanston, Morton Grove and Oak Park.

Apparently they didn't need to file suit in Wilmette...
Wilmette has suspended enforcement of its 19-year-old ordinance banning handgun possession in the wake of a U.S. Supreme Court decision that appears to invalidate such bans.

In a 5-4 decision, the court struck down Washington, D.C.'s ban on handguns, a prohibition similar to those used in several major cities, including Chicago, and a handful of suburbs including Wilmette, Evanston, Winnetka and Oak Park. NRA filed suits today in Evanston, Oak Park, Chicago and Morton Grove.

Wilmette you may recall was the center of a 2003 incident in which a resident was cited after using a handgun to shoot a burglar in his home. That case led to the passage of a law that gave gun owners a defense to local prohibitions if the weapon was used in self-defense.

Wonder why I didn't see that story on the news tonight???? Typical Chicago bias.

And of course Mayor Daley is pissed off....

"Does this lead to everyone having a gun in our society? If they think that's the answer, then they're greatly mistaken. Then, why don't we do away with the court system and go back to the Old West? You have a gun and I have a gun and we'll settle in the streets," Daley told reporters at Navy Pier.

"Those who are rich and those who are in power always feel safe. Those who do not have the power do not feel safe. And that's what they're saying," Daley said.

So basically...

Those who are rich and those who are in power (and can afford armed security) always feel safe. Those who do not have the power (or money to afford armed security) do not feel safe.

Excuse me Dick? YOU ARE ALWAYS SURROUNDED BY YOUR OWN ARMED SECURITY! Why should YOU have the ability to protect yourself and not the average Chicago resident?

The city of Chicago has my deepest sympathy. No city should have to suffer through such a pig of a mayor!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Yet more proof that Mayor Daley is a FUCKING IDIOT!

Yes, blame the gun. Dumb ass.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lawsuits being filed...

Just saw Wayne LaPierre on CNN. He announced that the NRA is filing suit in Chicago, Evanston, Oak Park, Morton Grove, Wilmette and other cities/municipalities to strike down their gun bans!


Article: NRA Quickly Sues To Overturn Chicago Gun Ban

American Wins!

Great article by Tom Gresham

The U.S. Supreme Court has overturned the Washington D.C. ban on handguns!

Read the Opinion Here.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Godspeed George...

The world has lost a comedic genius. :( I've been a BIG fan of Carlin for MANY years. I have several of his books...
Brain Droppings
Napalm and Silly Putty
More Napalm and Silly Putty
When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?
... from Since he reads them, it's like a LONG stand-up routine.

I noticed that age was catching up with him on his recent HBO special and knew his time (at least doing stand-up) was short.

I regret not spending the $95 for a personalized signed photo.

So long George... you will be missed.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Monday, June 9, 2008

Today may be a day long remembered... least by me. :)

Steve Jobs should (in less than 90 minutes) announce the 2nd Gen iPhone. No idea what it will be called... iPhone 2.0, iPhone Pro, or just plain iPhone but I'm SUPER interested to find out its specs and price points.

USA Today speculates that the new iPhone will cost around $199. If that is true... that's FUCKING AMAZING!

Things I expect to see... 3G, GPS, 3+ megepixel camera, hopefully 64GB+.

In other news... (also VERY exciting to me) it is confirmed that Sling Media is working on a SlingPlayer for the iPhone!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I'm in the 100% Club...

...all that means is that I spent a LOT of time playing GTA4 and obtained 100% completion on it.

For those who haven't tried it... it's a FUN FUN game!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

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