Saturday, December 30, 2006

Fuck You Lens Crafters!

I'll call this little rant... "Fuck You Lens Crafters!" But I must also preface by telling you that this is one of those little things in life that just irks me... and it doesn't help that my wife and I are on completely different sides of this issue.

Days before heading up to the Wisconsin Dells, Nicholas broke his glasses. We had no choice to but to go to the most expensive place on Earth for glasses.... Lens Crafters.

He needed glasses in an hour. (it took them more like 3) Valerie took him and walked out with his new glasses and receipt for the $200 it just cost. They don't take our vision insurance (another total waste of money) so it hurt the pocketbook right before a mini-vacation but it had to be done so we bent over like a good little consumer and took it in the ass.

In September, against my wishes, Valerie took Alyssa to Lens Crafters to get her new glasses for the school year. She walked out spending $257.

$257 for glasses that will only last a year (Both kids have my bad eyes and will likely change prescriptions every Fall until adulthood)

That's where my philosophy comes in. Glasses for the kids last will only 12 months. There's absolutely no point in paying for glasses so expensive when they only last a year. And my kids don't exactly treat their glasses with a gentle hand so a backup makes perfect sense.

I liked what we've done in the past...
Take the kids to an eye doctor that actually accepts our insurance. Take that prescription over to ForEyes and pick out 2 glasses for $99 (adding a couple up charges if need be)

So Craig... why the 'Fuck You' to Lens Crafters? This sounds like this is an issue between you and your wife.

Funny you should ask... Fast forward 3 months and a couple of weeks... to the morning of December 30th.

Apparently, Alyssa decided to sleep in her $257 glasses. I suppose $257 glasses can't hold up to that. An arm fell off at the joint. And because we didn't buy her glasses at ForEyes she doesn't have a backup pair. (Grrrr!!) Valerie was working so that meant that I had to take her to the mall to get her glasses fixed.

We get to Lens Crafters and show them the glasses. They cannot be fixed. Her frames were $150 and they will sell me new frames for $75. (50% within 12 months)

$75 more for frames that lasted less than 4 months. Needless to say, I was greatly irritated!

After again, taking it right up the ass, she got her new frames. I asked for the old frames back. They refused to return them to me. Frames that I paid $150 for less than 4 months ago!

This is where Craig got angry...
(since I'm actually writing this 2 weeks after it happened the exchange below will be truncated to show the basic gist of it)

I demanded to speak with the manager. I own the frames, broken or not, and I want them returned!

Sir, it's against our policy

Show me something in writing that says you can keep my frames!

Here's the policy

From their website...
1-Year Replacement Discount
Replace your broken glasses with the same or equivalent pair for 50% of their current retail price (may not be combined with other discounts, promotions or insurance). Additional costs may apply to upgrades. Sorry, does not apply to loss, theft or industrial safety eyeglasses.
I don't see where it says you can keep my frames!

I understand your upset sir but we don't give the frames back.

But I paid for the frames.

[gets general manager]

Why do you even want the broken frames?

Because I paid for them!

We need the frames to prove to our auditors why we sold a $150 frame at 1/2 price.

This exchange lasted probably 7-8 minutes. He was flustered because I was not accepting his answer and I figured that we were getting very close to... "Sir, you're making a scene and if you don't leave I'm going to call security."

So we left. $75 poorer than when we walked in. So yes... Fuck You Lens Crafters!

Friday, December 1, 2006

Break Time...

I decided to take a break from Audiobooks in order to catch up on a radio program that I recently found... Tom Gresham's Gun Talk.

Before he changed is site and went to Podcasting his archive of shows I was able to download and listen to 13 months of programming in the course of the late Summer and Fall. That 13 months of programming is equal to over 125 hours of content.

In December I decided to get back into my Audiobooks by diving into "Pop Goes the Weasel" by James Patterson.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The jump to HD...

It's all the bedroom's fault really. We didn't have much furniture in it and Valerie hated the wallpaper & paint color.

In September, Valerie began stripping the ugly wallpaper & border off of the wall (Lots of scoring, lots of DIF) and we repainted the room. (Benjamin Moore's Navajo Red if you cared) After the room was repainted (it took 4 coats but that's another story) it was time to decide on a bedroom set. After much looking around, we found a new set at Harlem Furniture that we both liked and the price was right.

As the bedroom was coming together, the finishing touch required us getting a new TV. The problem I had was there was only one place to put a TV in the bedroom, on my dresser, which is pretty tall for a TV to sit on so the existing 19" tube TV wouldn't work. I decided it was finally the time to explore a flat panel option.

The choice of technology was a really easy pick...

Projection = WAY TO BIG
Plasma = Starting around 42" it was larger than we needed.
LCD = Largest size range. Full HD screens from around 19" and up.

LCD was clearly the way to go. But it is also the most expensive technology currently available. Narrowing it down to Samsung was also pretty easy. They are pretty much the top of line.

Then we had to decide on size... originally, I looked at the 19" but soon realized that I wanted something larger. Because the 19" Widescreen looked smaller than the 19" Tube TV we had in there. I moved up to 23" and was pretty much set to pull the trigger on it until I saw's price for the 26".

Amazon also had a deal where you could buy a swing arm mount with it at the same time (+$150) and get it back in full after rebate. It seemed the logical choice. Not only did I save $350 off of Best Buy's price but I also got a nice expensive mount for free!

Looks like I'll have to wait another year before I we get the big HD set for the living room but for now, I'm betting I'll be spending a lot more time watching TV in the bedroom.

Sunday, November 5, 2006

The Best of Borat

Borat kicks ass! I haven't seen the movie yet. (I'll see it on DVD) In fact, I haven't seen a single one of his shows on HBO, but between all of the video segments on the video sharing sites, I'd be surprised if there was a Borat segment I haven't seen.

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Let me tell ya about the Pine Tree Pistol Club...

I guess it all started at the Annual GAT Guns Factory Shoot in early March 2006. Per usual, Dave and I eagerly attended because where else can we try out dozens of guns for a few bucks (ammo) each?

While I normally despise GAT Guns' Range because unsafe firearm handling runs rampant there, their cost is high (almost $20 for an hour), and they're not the friendliest bunch. I always look forward to the factory shoot every year so I can meet and talk with some of the reps and see what's new for the year.

At some point, amongst all of the new 2006 catalogs I acquired, I ended up with a flier for a website called iCarry.Org.

Since it's a site about getting concealed carry in Illinois (a cause I feel deeply for), a few days later I checked it out.

Whilst reading many posts on their forum, I noticed some talk about a Pistol Club in Rockford. Apparently iCarry had their first meeting/discussion there prior to me finding the site.

Having absolutely no experience whatsoever with Gun Clubs, I decided to post and PM a barrage of questions. Those questions led to a phone conversation with the site's founder Shaun Kranish. He was probably sick of typing to answer my incessant questions so he PM'ed me his phone number and asked me to call him. I did so and learned even more about this place called Pine Tree and was extremely eager to check it out.

The following is some of the Q & A I've gleaned from the posts, PM's and the conversation with Shaun about the Pine Tree Pistol Club...
Q: What is the annual membership fee?
A: $120 (raised to $156 in 2007)

Q: How many members do they have?
A: Somewhere between 350-400

Q: What's the minimum age to shoot? (can I bring my 9 or 12 year olds to shoot?)
A: The minimum age is nine.

Q: Per the Pine Tree Pistol Club Website... PTPC has no set hours of operation. Keys are issued to full members who may use the facilities at their convenience. Wow this is really exciting! Holidays and everything?
A: Once you are voted in as a member you are given a Proximity Card (like a key card) to get access to the facility. The card will unlock the door, and arm/disarm the alarm system. Members have 24 hour access to the ranges.

Q: So you can't shoot .22 Magnum, .357 Magnum, .44 Magnum, .17 HMR, or .357 Sig? What do they have against magnums?
A: Magnums aren't allowed mainly because of the sound/concussion and wear on the backstops.

Q: After becoming a member is it REALLY free to shoot? or is it one of those "please donate" things?
A: Members pay annual dues. The only other fees are the $3 fee for each guest you bring (raised to $5 in 2007) You are encouraged to help out at the club if you can.

Q: Controlled Rapid fire allowed? Shooting at multiple targets allowed?
A: It's all about safety. Rapid fire is fine as long as you do it safely.

Q: The PTPC's Website mentions that you need to be Be voted in by Membership. How does this happen?
A: After you complete the NRA Basic Pistol Course, you can go up for membership vote as early as the the next General Meeting (First Tuesday of every Month). Pretty much as long as you are considered a safe shooter and no member/instructor has any issues with you joining, you will be voted in.

Q: The website mentions that you need to complete a minimum of 2 hours service at the Club. Doing what?
A: The 2 hours of service are part of the first year. After you become a member, you can volunteer at monthly work days (cleaning, changing light bulbs, fixing things, etc). You can also work gun shows, and help teach the NRA basic pistol class. There are unlimited opportunities for work hours. You can finish them whenever you want -- it's very easy.

Q: Some years ago I took an NRA Basic Pistol Class... can I use that certificate instead of having to take the class again?
A: No. You have to take the class at the club.

Other things of note:

They don't sell ammo but they do have plenty of targets for .10 each (honor system). They also have eyes and ears in case people need that or forget theirs.

It's a cold range, so guns must not be removed from their cases unless you're at the Safety Area or in the range... and when not shooting they must be unloaded and muzzles facing downrange.

Effective Sept 1, they are going to allow pistol caliber carbines on range 1 and 3.
Based on this info... I was really interested to find out when the second iCarry meeting would be there so I could see this place first hand. That second meeting at Pine Tree never happened (different location) so Pine Tree was pretty much pushed to the back of my mind.

Then there was a post about a Utah CCW class in Rockford on Aug. 26th. Rockford you say? Hmmmm, I seem to recall Pine Tree being in Rockford. I was a little disappointed to learn that Pine Tree wasn't hosting the class but I decided to sign up for it anyway. The class was hosted at the home of a guy named Charlie, who also happens to be the V.P. of the Northern IL Rifle and Pistol Club. Yet another club I've never heard of and would like to check out.

The price of the class through iCarry was $85.00 and you had to add an additional $10.00 if you wanted to use this class as a requirement to getting the Florida permit as well. That part includes a live fire exercise at NIRPC so, of course, I wanted do it to see the range. $95.00 for both parts is quite the bargain actually when you compare the same exact class with the same exact teacher at GAT Guns for the price of... $150.00 with the Florida part.

A few days before the class I PM'ed a guy on the iCarry forum named Bob. He's the Treasurer for Pine Tree and agreed to meet me there after the Utah class and give me the grand tour.

I headed up to Rockford bright and early and thanks to my GPS I was able to find Charlie's house with no trouble.

The instructor, Paul Horvick, was absolutely outstanding. When he's not teaching about concealed carry or firearm safety, he's a teacher somewhere in Minnesota. You can learn more about him and his company here.

The live fire exercise was extremely easy. We shot 10 rounds (5 at a time) at NIRPC. That club is really in the middle of nowhere.

I was late getting out of the live fire exercise and I confused Rt. 20 with Bus. 20 but I eventually made it to Pine Tree... albeit almost a half hour late!

Thankfully, Bob waited for me. I was there for about 15 minutes. Towards the end of the tour, while I was asking him questions, there was a knock at the door. Some guy driving by saw cars in the lot and wanted to get a little tour himself. Bob obliged. I tagged along so I could look around some more. After, I thanked Bob and headed home. Confident that Pine Tree was right for me.

The next day I sent an e-mail to Pine Tree checking on availability for an opening in the upcoming Basic Pistol Safety Class ($75) on Sept. 9th and 16th. A couple days later, I was told there were still openings available. I sent off the $25 deposit and was officially locked in. Then it was just a waiting game till Saturday.

When the day finally arrived, I woke up earlier than I normally like to and headed West. After the hour ride (almost to the second) I headed inside.

I was the second one there. After 10 or so minutes the remaining students showed up. There were 7 in all... but Greg said there was supposed to be 8.

After filling out all of the paperwork and paying our money it was time for the class to begin.

We were given a Basic Pistol Shooting Handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules Brochure, Basic Firearm Training Program Brochure, Flyer, and a Marksmanship Qualification Program Booklet.

We began with the NRA’s three fundamental three gun safety rules...

1. Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
2. Always keep your finger off of the trigger until ready to shoot.
3. Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.

About an hour into the lecture, Student #8 showed up. He was positive that the class started at 9am. Greg explained that class always has started at 8am and pointed out that everyone else showed up on time... Greg sent him packing.

We went over Pine Tree’s range rules & they gave us a tour of the range.

We learned about the parts of a revolver and a semi-auto, we learned how a single action revolver, a double action revolver and a semi-auto pistol all work.

After a break we learned about the 6 fundamentals of pistol shooting... Position, Grip, Breath Control, Sight Alignment, Trigger Squeeze and Follow-through.

After a dominant eye exercise and a safety inspection of our handguns, it was off to the range.
We watched a cool demonstration on muzzle flash of a .38 vs. .357 (fun stuff with the lights out!) One proving the recoil of a .45 Auto is not so bad, and a kick ass demo showing us the difference of how smokeless powder burns compared to the way black powder burns.

Then it was time for hands on... we had to prove that we knew how to safely load and unload our handguns with snap caps and after practicing dry firing it was on to our first live fire exercise.... While sitting in a benchrest position we did a bit of load one, fire one, and repeat.

Once the instructor determined that we were safe enough to move to the next level we were then instructed to load five, shoot five, and repeat from a standing position.

Soon it was back to the class for some review discussion on ammunition, some talk about transporting firearms and the purchasing of firearms. We took a break for lunch somewhere in there and after some more range time and a section about cleaning, Day 1 was over. (I'm sure I'm missing some stuff but most of this is from notes I took and from memory)

On to Day 2...

Again... I don't like waking up that early! I headed to Pine Tree with a horrible stomach ache so I stopped at the Wal-Mart in Belvidere to get something to make it go away.

After a short review of the previous week, we headed to the range for some shooting fun. We learned about shooting sports, the NRA Qualification Program, Bullseye shooting, and got to watch a really cool IPSC demo. (as you can tell, I took less notes on the second class and can't remember the details of every section that was taught... and it doesn't help that I'm writing this a couple of weeks later.)

After our last round of "Shoot 5, reload, shoot 5 more, change out target" it was time for the test. There were 50 questions on the test. Multiple Choice & T/F. After the test we traded with our partner to grade. We all passed. Soon after we were given our Course Completion Certificate & Basic Practical Rocker. The class was over. Greg shook each of our hands and we were on our way.

So with the class behind me, I headed home. Actually, I think I went to Dave's afterwards. The wait began till October 3rd so I could go to the members meeting and get voted in.

On that Tuesday, I drove directly to Pine Tree from work. That drive, in rush hour took 90 minutes. Since it was only 6:30pm and the meeting didn't start until 8pm, I killed a bit of time in the parking lot with a cigar and Tom Gresham's Gun Talk on the iPod.

After the cigar I headed in and read the Pine Tree manual to kill time. Soon the room filled up with about 40-50 people and the meeting began. After the Pledge of Allegiance, last months meeting minutes were read, items on the agenda were discussed and after about an hour it was time for the new member canditates to introduce themselves. I was first to introduce myself. There were three total at this meeting.

After the introductions, we were sent to Range 2 while the members decided our fate. A few minutes later we were called back into the classroom and were congratulated and greeted as new members.

After the meeting was over, the head of membership showed us how to work our Prox Cards the alarm system.

After that, I headed home. A new member of the Pine Tree Pistol Club.


(and yes, I probably used the word "After" 10,000 times... deal with it!)

Friday, September 8, 2006

The Steve Irwin Stingray Attack Video *CONTENT WARNING*

It's rather graphic... Certainly not for those with weak stomachs!

This is yet another one of those videos out there that pisses people off. And, per usual, I think it's fucking brilliant!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

"Cat & Mouse" by James Patterson Summary:

Alex Cross, the Porsche-driving doctor-detective-profiler-psychologist and single father of two must save his own life as well as the lives of his lover and family in a deadly game of Cat and Mouse. Cross meets up again with his old nemesis Gary Soneji, the ruthless, bloodthirsty megalomaniac from Along Came a Spider. Apparently, Soneji isn't too happy with Cross for putting him away and keeping him out of the violent crime loop for five years, so he's back with a bone to pick and a couple of fish to fry--or innocent bystanders to shoot, stab, or bludgeon. Soneji goes on a commuter killing spree in hopes of luring Cross down a bloody trail that ends at the good detective's own home. Cross is hot on the case and hot for Christine Johnson, his children's babe-a-licious principal who happens to be the widow of George Johnson, one of Soneji's victims. Never mind the coincidence; is Christine a bad-luck charm? Is there another killer? If so, is she or he in cahoots with Soneji? Once again, Patterson delivers a fast-paced, action-packed thriller that's sure to keep the pages flying.

After a bit of Star Trek, I headed back into the world of Alex Cross. This is a great book that kept me on the 'edge of my seat' a few times. And yet again... this is the point in my 'review' that I need to say.... somebody REALLY needs to talk to James Patterson about guns! I offer the following evidence...

Page 201: "I clicked the safety off the Glock."

Author: James Patterson
Narrator: George Guidall & Richard Feronne
Running Time: 10 hours and 32 min.
Book Rating:
(out of 5 stars)

Audiobook -- I couldn't get this from unabridged so I had to borrow it from the library. This Amazon link isn't the production I just finished. Mine was narrated by "George Guidall & Richard Feronne" from "Books on Tape"

Friday, June 23, 2006

Yet another reason why you should trade your point & shoot for a DSLR...

Lake in the Hills Air Expo 2006 -- Click the image to enlarge

And YES Darren... I CAN zoom in enough to see the pilot!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

This Day in History

May 27, 1937


San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge, a stunning technological and artistic achievement, opens to the public after five years of construction. On opening day--"Pedestrian Day"--some 200,000 bridge walkers marveled at the 4,200-foot-long suspension bridge, which spans the Golden Gate Strait at the entrance to San Francisco Bay and connects San Francisco and Marin County. On May 28, the Golden Gate Bridge opened to vehicular traffic.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Cam & Ronnie's Cam Edwards interviewing Ronnie Barrett of Barrett Firearms live on Cam & Company (NRANews.Com & Sirius Patriot 144). Ronnie is an excellent supporter of 2nd Amendment Rights. So much so that when California put a ban on the civilian ownership of .50 BMG rifles, Barrett Firearms instituted a policy of refusing to sell to or service rifles for any California Law Enforcement Agency until they change the law. Way to go Ronnie!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Wayne at the Members Meeting

"Star Trek: The Next Generation: Imzadi II: Triangle" by Peter David Summary:

Imzadi: to the people of the planet Betazed, including counsellor Deanna Troi of the Starship Enterprise, it means "beloved" and denotes a special closeness that can never be truly broken. Or can it? Best selling author Peter David explored the special bond between Troi and Commander Riker in his earlier novel, Imzadi. Now, he examines the heart of Deanna Troi from an altogether different perspective, as he reveals for the first time the full story of Troi's troubled romance with Lieutenant Commander Worf. At first glance, they cannot be more different. She is an empath, gentle and acutely sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. He is a fierce Klingon warrior, dedicated to a harsh and war-like code of honor. Brought together, however, by a common need to care for Alexander, Worf's troubled, motherless son, they discover hidden reserves of courage and compassion within each other and embark on an unexpected courtship, much to the suprise and discomfort of William Riker. But does Worf's future really lie with Deanna...or on a distant outpost called Deep Space Nine? And who shall Troi ultimately call Imzadi? Imzadi ll is a compelling story about an untold chapter in the history of the U.S.S. Enterprise.

Not as good as the first one but still some interesting elements.

Author: Peter David
Narrator: Robert O' Reilly
Running Time: 3 hours
Book Rating: ** 1/2
Production: ***
(out of 5 stars)


Monday, May 22, 2006

Walther G22

Sunday, May 21, 2006

US Cellular Arena - Milwaukee, WI

The National Rifle Association 135th Annual Meetings & Exhibits, Part II

Sunday, May 21, 2006
Again, I woke up at 4:30am, showered, got ready to go. I was informed by Dave via e-mail that he wouldn’t be going back up with me. Apparently he was too tired out from Saturday. Whatever.

Since I didn't have to pick up Dave, I took another way to Milwaukee. It was actually a much easier drive since I was able to get into downtown using the Kilbourn Tunnel.

Again, I arrived around 7:30am.

As I walked up the catwalk the guards in the middle of it informed me that they were told to only let staff pass to the inside of the convention center until 8:00am. No big deal... I'd sit outside with a cigar. I turned around, walked back towards the parking deck, took the elevator to the ground floor and walked to the front of the convention center. At which, I was able to walk right in with no problems. I walked around, bought a muffin and soda from one of the Levy stands and scoped out the location of the seminar I was going to attend.

It was called "NRA and the Media--A Forum for Straight Shooters" "A panel of three journalism professionals will discuss the media’s accuracy and fairness in their coverage of NRA and firearms’ issues. The panelists include: Wisconsin radio talk show host Vicki McKenna; Brian Patrick, professor of journalism and author of NRA and the Media, and Cam Edwards, host of and author of many articles on Second Amendment issues. Moderated by NRA Board member Susan Howard."

The seminar was quite interesting. The three panelists were an excellent choice for a seminar of this nature. It was nice to meet Vicki & Brian and of course nice to see Cam again.

After the seminar I headed to the show floor...I had a lot to see. I veered towards Smith & Wesson again to see if there was any swag. Most disappointingly, there wasn't any. I talked to a S&W guy about the new M&P pistols. My main question was "When the .357 sig version comes out can we just buy the .357 sig barrel to drop into our .40 S&W M&P's?" The answer I got was "probably" He could commit to a firm "YES" but he said it will be most likely just a barrel replacement and at the very most a barrel + rod/spring swap. I asked when the conversion would be available. He said shortly after the .357 sig version is released. So around Aug/Sept. This was good news indeed. I took a peek at the Walther G22 (still a contender for my next rifle) and drooled over the new S&W M&P AR-15's.

After S&W I headed to where I left off yesterday so I could see every booth. I went up and down every aisle admiring most of what I saw. I basically skipped the outfitters since hunting has no appeal to me and concentrated on the firearm, ammo & accessory manufactures.

I had a great conversation with a guy at the Crimson Trace booth. They seem like nice people to deal with and I was able to play with a bunch of their laser grips on various models including the new Glock version which I had yet to see in person.

The guys at North American Arms were a disappointment. They weren't very friendly or responsive to questions which is shitty since I own 2 of their guns and I've never had a problem with their people before.

I had a quick chat with an absolutely HOT twenty-something at the SIG-ARMS booth. I was happy to take the pin & poster she was offering.

I spent some time at the Beretta booth towards the end of the day and noticed that they were selling off everything they had left at their 'store' at a LARGE discount. I picked up a Beretta 92FS Cleaning kit that was originally $20 for a mere $5. I was happy. They also had a lot of clothing but nothing appealed. I assume all of their hats were gone... cause at 75% off I certainly would have picked up a style or two.

I thought that Stoeger had the best looking booth. It had places to sit, plasma tvs and a fake fireplace, giving it a very lodgy feel. As my camera in my right and the heavy bag of catalogs/swag in my left were weighing me down... I took a few minutes to give my arms a break and relax in their booth a few minutes before continuing around that aisle.

My pick for “Best Unknown Company” (to me) was a company that can convert specific firearms (special barrel/rod/spring) into guns that you can target shoot inside your home using specialized ammo. It’s really interesting technology. The price is WAY to high right now but it’s a cool idea just the same.

After my last row, I headed back to the NRA Store. Picked up a couple of things, walked back to the car and headed home. The NRA Convention was a GREAT experience with lots of really great people (I was only 1 of 55,000 people who attended.)

I highly recommend going. I've already made my reservations for next April in St. Louis!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Midwest Airlines Center - Milwaukee, WI

The National Rifle Association 135th Annual Meetings & Exhibits, Part I

This is the closest the NRA Convention has been to us in MANY years!

1995 Phoenix, AZ
1996 Dallas, TX
1997 Seattle, WA
1998 Philadelphia, PA
1999 Denver, CO
2000 Charlotte, NC
2001 Kansas City, MO
2002 Reno, NV
2003 Orlando, FL
2004 Pittsburgh, PA
2005 Houston, TX
2006 Milwaukee, WI
2007 St. Louis, MO
2008 Louisville, KY
2009 Phoenix, AZ

The original plan involved staying the night in a hotel in Milwaukee on Friday & Saturday nights but that was changed when I was informed that the Member's Banquet was full and the Tour we wanted to do didn't have enough people to run it. Since Milwaukee isn't that far from us, I decided we'd drive up and back both days.

Saturday, May 20, 2006
I woke up at 4:30am. (I absolutely HATE waking up that early) Showered, dressed, made sure I had everything I needed and headed on the road to Harvard. I had to stop at Walgreen’s to get AA batteries since the GPS in my car will no longer connect to the cigarette lighter power adapter due to a broken piece of plastic. I’ve owned my Garmin eMap since 2001 and it has served me very well, but it’s getting time to replace it.

After that short pit stop, I was on my way to Harvard where I picked up Dave and we headed towards Wisconsin.

The drive was going well until we ran into a “Road Closed” near Lake Geneva. After a stop at a local gas station to look at a detour map that took us on many a side street by The Abbey Resort, we were back on Rt 67.

I soon realized that my GPS didn’t have the street level maps for Milwaukee uploaded to it. I knew it had the Madison area and figured Milwaukee was in the same data set… I was wrong. So all I had was a 5 mile US Base map to assist.

We were cruising at 70 MPH for a while on I-43 until we reached Milwaukee’s MASSIVE road construction project. Microsoft’s Streets & Trips gave me directions that were soon worthless as many exits were closed and we were diverted many miles past downtown.

I pulled off at the first exit I could and turned on the next major street to head back South to Downtown. Luckily, the drive was pretty simple. We arrived at the parking deck (I looked at a map of the parking decks in the area and picked this one specifically due to its location right next to the convention center and the US Cellular Arena.) Even at 7:20am it first 3 levels of the deck were full.

Since the parking deck has a catwalk connecting it to the convention center, we took the catwalk inside.

In the middle (bend) of the catwalk there were a couple of security guys that asked it I had a convention badge. I said yes, took it out of my camera bag and put it on. We were allowed to continue to the inside of the convention center.

By this time it was around 7:30am. The Members Meeting and the show floor opened at 10am. We knew we’d have some time to kill so we waited upstairs for the NRA Store to open at 8am. Once it opened we perused every aisle. Since most of the stuff sold there was already available on their website and the fact that I didn’t have a lot of money for this convention, my philosophy was to only buy a couple of things that were convention specific. Anything else I liked I could buy later.

After seeing everything that the store had to offer we headed back outside because it was cigar time. Last weekend at Kate’s wedding I received a few Cuban cigars so to celebrate Dave and I making it to the convention, we both savored the Cuban stogies while waiting for the US Cellular Arena to open for the members meeting. Once we saw people going in to the arena we tapped out our stogies and headed into the arena. We made our way down the ramp and it was time to vote. We voted for the 76th Director and picked up all of the NRA Annual reports. We then proceeded to the arena.
Since we were early, we were able to get a good spot in the 5th row. A couple of feet away from former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr.

We chatted with a few of the people around us. The guy sitting next to me was attending his 10th NRA Convention! The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem.... it was strange to say the pledge since the last time I recall doing it was back when I was in school... many moons ago. It was very interesting to see Parliamentary procedure first hand. There were speeches a many. Including all of the key players at the NRA. They also showed a video every American should see. A video of law enforcement in New Orleans going house to house disarming law-abiding citizens. Taking away their right to protect their families and homes when they needed to most in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Just under 3 hours later the meeting was adjourned and we headed back to the convention center.

I was really eager to check out the show floor. Dave was more interested in eating lunch than checking out the show so we parted ways and agreed to meet up in an hour or so.

Then… frankly… I was like a kid in a candy store. Off hand I cannot think of an aspect of the Shooting Sports industry that wasn’t represented. All the big boys had a booth. Smith & Wesson, Glock, Colt, Remington, Ruger, Browning, HK, Benelli, Beretta, CZ, Kimber, Marlin, Mossberg, North American Arms, Para-Ordnance, SIG Arms, Springfield Armory, Taurus, Thompson Center Arms, Weatherby, Winchester, Walther, Bushmaster, etc.

And accessory companies like Crimson Trace, LaserMax, Birchwood Casey, Dillon Precision, Hogue, Leupold, Uncle Mike's, Butler Creek, Hoppe's, Midway USA, etc.

Ammo makers like Winchester, Remington, Cor-bon, Glaser, Hornady, Wolf, etc.

I immediately checked out Smith & Wesson (no swag) & Glock (glock pin). I saw R. Lee Ermey signing autographs. I didn't want to stand in a long line and my next goal was to find the booth.

After a trip around the convention center I found them next to NRA's big booth at the entrance. There I was able to meet Cam Edwards (host of Cam & Company), Ginny Simone, Joel Brewer, John Popp. & Mike McCarville. I stood around for at least an hour watching them interview some people for later playback and when their Live show began at 3pm. It was very interesting... I was able to watch Cam interview Chris Cox, John Sigler, Wisconsin Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, Wayne LaPierre & more.

When Dave and I hooked back up we decided to start our walking tour of the show floor row by row. It took a lot longer than I thought it would have. By the completion of the second row, we decided to head outside for a stogie break.

We went out in front of the Midwest Airlines Center and sat down and lit up. A few minutes later Dave asked... "Isn't that the President of the NRA?" I looked in the direction he was pointing and said, "Yes."

Sandy (and several security guys) were outside in front of the Convention Center with the large NRA banner doing an interview for Fox News. We watched her do the interview (very windy out at the time) and as she was taking off her mic, I pulled out my name badge and a pen so I can have her sign it. When she was done she kindly signed my name badge and then I had an assistant take a picture of us. Dave stopped her for an autograph too.

After our stogies and our brush with the NRA Pres. we headed back to the show floor to knock off a few more rows of exhibitors.

Just before 6pm we decided to call it a day… we headed back to the NRA Store so Dave could spend some more money and we headed back to the car. $16 in parking later we were working our way to 94 South (East) We were both tired and we had another big day tomorrow... or so I thought.

Friday, May 19, 2006

"Star Trek: The Next Generation: Imzadi" by Peter David Summary:

Years before they became crewmates on the U.S.S. Enterprise, Commander William Riker and ship's counsellor Deanna Troi had a tempestuous love affair on her home planet of Betazed. Now, as their passions have cooled, the two serve together as close friends. Yet the memories of what passed between them linger and Riker and Troi remain Imzadi, a powerful Betazoid term that describes the enduring bond they still share. On a delicate mission involving negotiations with an aggresive race called the Sindareen, Deanna mysteriously falls ill...and dies. But her death marks the start of an incredible adventure for Riker - an adventure that takes him across time, pits him against one of his closest friends, and forces him to choose between Starfleet's strictest rule and the one he calls Imzadi.

A wonderful story that explains how Riker and Troi first met. Once scene from the book is right out of TNG's episode 1 at Farpoint Station.

Author: Peter David
Narrator: Johnathan Frakes
Running Time: 3 hours
Book Rating: ****
Production: ****
(out of 5 stars)



Thursday, May 18, 2006

"Star Trek: The Next Generation: Q-in-Law" by Peter David Summary:

The U.S.S. Enterprise is chosen as the marriage site for a wedding that will unite two powerful rival families of the spacefaring merchant race, the Tizarin. But Captain Picard's happiness is soon cut short by the arrival of the Federation delegate from Betazed: Lwaxana Troi - the mother of the ship's counsellor, Deanna Troi. Despite Lwaxana's nagging presence, the festivities proceed smoothly until the arrival of the notorious and all-powerful being, Q - who has come to examine and challenge the human concept of love. Suddenly, the celebration is in turmoil, the Tizarin families are on the brink of war, and Lwaxana is determined to teach Q a lesson in love that he will never forget.

A VERY quick story but quite amusing. I've always liked the Lwaxana's character and Majel doing the voice of her own character made for a wonderful narration.

Author: Peter David
Narrator: Majel Barrett and John de Lancie
Running Time: 1 hour and 30 min.
Book Rating: ****
Production: ****
(out of 5 stars)


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

"Star Trek: The Next Generation: Q-Squared" by Peter David

Okay... it's true... I've decided to take a short break from James Patterson. My last 8 audiobooks were by James Patterson and I wanted a change.

Just after finishing "Jack and Jill" I wanted something shorter and less serious. Q-Squared was the answer... Summary:

In all of his travels Captain Picard has never encountered an opponent more powerful than Q, a being from another continuum that Picard encounterd on his very first mission as captain of the Starship Enterprise. In the years since, Q has returned to harass Picard and his crew. Sometimes dangerous, sometimes merely obnoxious, Q has always been mysterious and seemingly all-powerful. But now, Trelane, another member of the continuum who Captain Kirk and his crew first encountered over one hundred years ago, has tapped into an awesome power source that makes him more powerful than the combined might of the entire continuum. Q warns that, armed with this incredible power, Trelane has become unspeakably dangerous. Now Picard must get involved in an awesome struggle between super beings. And this time the stakes are not just Picard's ship, or the galaxy, or even the universe - this time the stakes are all of creation.

Star Trek audiobooks are vastly different from a James Patterson or John Grisham because they contain audio & sound effects from the show, most are abridged and are much shorter. Which works well for me just for a quick change of pace.

A good story that merges an episode from the original series and the next generation.

Author: Peter David
Narrator: John de Lancie
Running Time: 3 hours and 1 min.
Book Rating: ****
Production: *** 1/2
(out of 5 stars)


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Celebrities that... well... hmmmm...

Okay, I was gonna call this the Celebrity Hit List but with Google being as good as it is, I don't want to come up in an FBI search should one of these people end up... well... burning in the fiery pit of hell... lol

So I'll call this one... Celebrities (and not so much) that if I saw trapped in a burning car, I'd look for a stick and break out the marshmallows...

ben afflick -- need I say more?
rick berman & brandon braga -- because of what they did to Star Trek
ray ramano -- because NOT everyone loves Raymond.
michael jackson -- just because money can buy freedom, doesn't make it right
george lucas -- I'll give you THREE guesses... I wish I could just wish him away...
michael moore -- because I'm american!
sean penn -- because some people need to keep their uneducated mouths closed!
tom cruise -- come on tom... time to get out of the closet!
mayor dick daley -- no dick... the entire state of illinois ISN'T chicago!
governor blago -- and I thought the corrupt george ryan was an idiot!!!
the guys at FOX who decided to cancel Firefly
rosie o'donnell -- well.. duh!

more to come

What I Podcast...

Twit - This Week in Tech
The Official Lost Podcast

The Top 5 "Celebrities" (Alive) that I'd most like to have dinner with...

It is said that you can learn a lot about a person by what their answers are to this question...

So here we are in no particular order...

Steve Jobs
J.K. Rowling
Kevin Smith
Joss Whedon
Leo Laporte

Introducing Apple's new line of laptops...

All running the new Intel chips. Might be a good time to upgrade this 12" G4 Powerbook!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

My Favorite TV Shows

That are still in production...

It is said that you can learn a lot about a person by what their favorite TV shows are...

The Shield
Rescue Me
South Park
Prison Break

I'm also into many "edutainment" shows like Modern Marvels (History Channel), Deadliest Catch (Discovery), & Seconds from Disaster (NGC)

Thursday, May 4, 2006

"Jack and Jill" by James Patterson Summary:

A child killer is stalking the inner city of Washington, D.C., his latest victim Shanelle Green, an adorable first grader from Sojourner Truth School. This killing is especially unsettling to Detective Alex Cross. Sojourner Truth is the school his son Damon attends, just four blocks from his home. While the death of an inner-city black child doesn't garner much media attention, another murder is making big headlines. The same day that Shanelle was beaten to death, Senator Daniel Fitzpatrick was found handcuffed to a bed and shot execution style. The only clue the police have to go on is a bizarre rhyme, signed "Jack and Jill," promising more high-profile executions, ultimately targeting the president of the United States. When Cross is called in to help protect the president, he begins to suspect that the two cases are somehow related. As he races to put all the pieces together, the killers continue their bloody rampage, paralyzing the city.

Right off of the heels of "Kiss the Girls" I began the 3rd book in the Alex Cross series (1997). A pretty good book that was a little slow in the middle for my tastes. And once again... somebody REALLY needs to talk to James Patterson about guns! In the past several books I've finished it should be noted that you don't "cock" a Glock and it is NOT a service revolver!

Author: James Patterson
Narrator: Michael Kramer
Running Time: 11 hours and 41 min.
Book Rating: *** 1/2
Production: ***
(out of 5 stars)

Audiobook -- I couldn't get this from unabridged so I had to borrow it from the library. This Amazon link isn't the production I just finished. Mine was narrated by "Michael Kramer" from "Books on Tape"

Monday, April 24, 2006

"Kiss the Girls" by James Patterson Summary:

In the most suspenseful thriller yet from the author of Along Came a Spider, Detective Alex Cross is on the trail of 2 murderers who may be working together. Casanova preys on talented college women from the Carolinas to Florida. The Gentleman Caller is terrorizing Los Angeles. The case takes Cross coast to coast and to the Deep South, where his niece, a law student, has been abducted. Will she be the next victim of one, or both, of the killers?

A good thriller. I really liked the Kate McTiernan character and hope to see her again in future Alex Cross novels.

Author: James Patterson
Narrator: Michael Kramer
Running Time: 10 hours and 55 min.
Book Rating: ****
Production: *** 1/2
(out of 5 stars)

Audiobook -- I couldn't get this from unabridged so I had to borrow it from the library... on TAPE no less!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

"Along Came a Spider" by James Patterson Summary:

Along Came a Spider begins with the double kidnapping of the daughter of a famous Hollywood actress and the young son of the Secretary of the Treasury. And that's only the beginning! Gary Soneji is a murderous serial kidnapper who wants to commit the crime of the century. Alex Cross is the brilliant homicide detective pitted against him. Jezzie Flanagan is the female supervisor of the Secret Service who completes one of the most unusual suspense triangles in any thriller you have ever heard.

I started this book the day I finished "The 5th Horseman" from Patterson's "Women's Murder Club" Series. I had seen this movie years ago but didn't remember much of it. After watching the movie after finishing this book I can tell you without hesitation that the book is WAY better (and more twisted) than the movie.

Author: James Patterson
Narrator: Charles Turner
Running Time: 12 hours and 21 min.
Book Rating: ****
Production: ****
(out of 5 stars)


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

"2nd Chance" by James Patterson Summary:

This presentation features an exclusive special introduction by James Patterson. Master of suspense James Patterson continues the Women's Murder Club series with this sequel to 1st to Die. The sensational killings that have rocked San Francisco appear to be unrelated except in their brutality. But detective Lindsay Boxer senses there's some thread connecting them all. She calls her friends in the Women's Murder Club together to see if they can discover what it is. Working with Chronicle reporter Cindy Thomas, Assistant District Attorney Jill Bernhardt, and medical examiner Claire Washburn, Lindsay discovers that there is indeed a link. Each of the victims had a close relative in a particular profession, a profession that sends a chill through Lindsay's heart. The partners in the Women's Murder Club deduce where the killer is likely to strike next and bait a trap that can't be resisted. But if their calculation is wrong, the consequences will be lethal. And there will be no second chance.

I loved the intro by James Patterson... thought it was a cute touch and a nice start to the next book in the Woman's Murder Club series. I'm beginning to really like Lindsay, Cindy, Jill and Claire. I'm still wondering how different this is going to be from the Alex Cross novels when I begin them.

Author: James Patterson with Andrew Gross
Narrator: Melissa Leo and Jeremy Piven
Running Time: 8 hours and 35 min.
Book Rating: ****
Production: ****
(out of 5 stars)


Monday, March 6, 2006

"1st to Die" by James Patterson Summary:

Four women - four friends - share a determination to stop a killer who has been stalking newlyweds in San Francisco. Each one holds a piece of the puzzle: Lindsay Boxer is a homicide inspector in the San Francisco Police Department, Claire Washburn is a medical examiner, Jill Bernhardt is an assistant D.A., and Cindy Thomas just started working the crime desk of the San Francisco Chronicle.

But the usual procedures aren't bringing them any closer to stopping the killings. So these women form a Women's Murder Club to collaborate outside the box and pursue the case by sidestepping their bosses and giving one another a hand.

My first James Patterson novel. I decided to start the "Women's Murder Club" series before Alex Cross mainly because of They had a great package deal on the first 4 in the set and they were all unabridged. Whereas the Alex Cross books were going to be harder to get. Audible only had book 1 and 5+ unabridged, so I had to use the Library for books 2, 3 & 4.

"1st to Die" is a rather graphic tale. From the opening scene in the hotel room I knew immediately that James Patterson was one who didn't hold back. It's a great story that explains how the "Women's Murder Club" started and who and why each was involved in it.

Author: James Patterson
Narrator: Suzanne Toren
Running Time: 9 hours and 1 min.
Book Rating: ****
Production: ****
(out of 5 stars)


Thursday, February 23, 2006

"The Street Lawyer" by John Grisham Summary:

Michael was in a hurry. He was scrambling up the ladder at Drake & Sweeney, a giant D.C. firm with 800 lawyers. The money was good and getting better; a partnership was 3 years away. He was a rising star with no time to waste, no time to stop, no time to toss a few coins into the cups of panhandlers. No time for a conscience. But a violent encounter with a homeless man stopped him cold. Michael survived; his assailant did not. Who was this man? Michael did some digging, and learned that he was a mentally ill veteran who'd been in and out of shelters for many years. Then Michael dug a little deeper, and found a dirty secret, and the secret involved Drake & Sweeney. The fast track derailed; the ladder collapsed. Michael bolted from the firm and took a top-secret file with him. He landed in the streets, an advocate for the homeless, a street-lawyer. And a thief.

After "The Partner" I moved on to "The Street Lawyer". It was an easy flow since Frank Muller narrated this as well. This is a great story that shows that not all lawyers are scum... some will do what's right instead of what's easy.

Author: John Grisham
Narrator: Frank Muller
Running Time: 10 hours and 30 min.
Book Rating: ****
Production: *****
(out of 5 stars)


Monday, February 13, 2006

"The Partner" by John Grisham Summary:

They watched Danilo Silva for days before they finally grabbed him. He was living alone, a quiet life on a shady street in a small town in Brazil; a simple life in a modest home, certainly not one of luxury. Certainly no evidence of the fortune they thought he had stolen. He was much thinner and his face had been altered. He spoke a different language, and spoke it very well. But Danilo had a past with many chapters. Four years earlier he had been Patrick Lanigan, a young partner in a prominent Biloxi law firm. He had a pretty wife, a new daughter, and a bright future. Then one cold winter night Patrick was trapped in a burning car and died a horrible death. When he was buried his casket held nothing more than his ashes. From a short distance away, Patrick watched his own burial. Then he fled. Six weeks later, a fortune was stolen from his ex-law firm's offshore account. And Patrick fled some more. But they found him.

Quite a change in pace after just finishing Stephen King's "Cell"! The Partner is a great story with rich characters. I wasn't particularly thrilled with the ending but it wasn't bad enough to ruin the whole story. Production gets 5 stars because Frank Muller is one of the BEST in his business.

Author: John Grisham
Narrator: Frank Muller
Running Time: 12 hours
Book Rating: ****
Production: *****
(out of 5 stars)


Wednesday, February 1, 2006

"Cell" by Stephen King Summary:

On October 1st, God is in His heaven, the stock market stands at 10,140, most of the planes are on time, and Clayton Riddell, an artist from Maine, is almost bouncing up Boylston Street in Boston. He's just landed a comic book deal that might finally enable him to support his family by making art instead of teaching it. He's already picked up a gift for his long-suffering wife, and he knows just what he'll get for his boy Johnny. Why not a little treat for himself? Clay's feeling good about the future. That changes in a hurry. The cause of the devastation is a phenomenon that will come to be known as The Pulse, and the delivery method is a cell phone. Everyone's cell phone. Clay and the few desperate survivors who join him suddenly find themselves in the pitch-black night of civilization's darkest age, surrounded by chaos, carnage, and a human horde that has been reduced to its basest nature...and then begins to evolve. There are one hundred and ninety-three million cell phones in the United States alone. Who doesn't have one? Stephen King's utterly gripping, gory, and fascinating novel doesn't just ask the question "Can you hear me now?" It answers it with a vengeance.

3 Words... ABSOLUTELY KICK ASS!!!! This is a book where my commute listening was not enough. Not only would I stay in my car some extra time after I got home... but I sat in my car, in my garage, after the kids went to bed and listened while having a cigar. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK and can't wait for the movie (coming in 2007 with Eli Roth (the twisted fuck who wrote and directed Hostel) at the helm) but then again, I'm a sucker for a good zombie story... even if these aren't your "normal" every day zombies.

I gave the production 3 stars because there were several points in the narration that for some reason or another was redubbed with someone else's voice. A bit distracting, yes... but it didn't ruin the flow of this nail biting story.

Author: Stephen King
Narrator: Campbell Scott
Running Time: 12 hours and 29 min.
Book Rating: *****
Production: ***
(out of 5 stars)


Monday, January 16, 2006

"The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown Summary:

While in Paris on business, Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon receives an urgent late-night phone call: the elderly curator of the Louvre has been murdered inside the museum. Near the body, police have found a baffling cipher. While working to solve the enigmatic riddle, Langdon is stunned to discover it leads to a trail of clues hidden in the works of Da Vinci, clues visible for all to see, yet ingeniously disguised by the painter. Langdon joins forces with a gifted French cryptologist, Sophie Neveu, and learns the late curator was involved in the Priory of Sion, an actual secret society whose members included Sir Isaac Newton, Botticelli, Victor Hugo, and Da Vinci, among others. In a breathless race through Paris, London, and beyond, Langdon and Neveu match wits with a faceless powerbroker who seems to anticipate their every move. Unless Langdon and Neveu can decipher the labyrinthine puzzle in time, the Priory's ancient secret, and an explosive historical truth, will be lost forever.

An excellent book. After just finishing (once again) the Harry Potter series, it took me a few chapters to get used to Paul Michael but he grew on me after every chapter.

I was so into this story that I found myself sitting in my car 10-15 minutes after I arrived at home because I couldn't stop listening. I look greatly forward to the movie and plan to begin the first "Robert Langdon" novel, Angels and Demons later this year.

Author: Dan Brown
Narrator: Paul Michael
Running Time: 16 hours and 58 min.
Book Rating: *****
Production: ****
(out of 5 stars)


Monday, January 2, 2006

New Audiobook Section...

It's no secret to many that I've been listening to A TON of audiobooks during my commute to and from work.

My main source of audiobooks is I've been a customer of theirs since 1999 and have purchased over 100 audiobooks from them.

I will be adding more to this section soon but I want to use this section to share what I consider to be a great use of otherwise worthless time.

I'm NOT going to do full blown reviews on every title I complete (go to Amazon or Audible for that) but I will rate the book, the audio production and make a few comments about each of them as I complete them. I will also update the last several I've completed in the past few months.

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