Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Celebrities that... well... hmmmm...

Okay, I was gonna call this the Celebrity Hit List but with Google being as good as it is, I don't want to come up in an FBI search should one of these people end up... well... burning in the fiery pit of hell... lol

So I'll call this one... Celebrities (and not so much) that if I saw trapped in a burning car, I'd look for a stick and break out the marshmallows...

ben afflick -- need I say more?
rick berman & brandon braga -- because of what they did to Star Trek
ray ramano -- because NOT everyone loves Raymond.
michael jackson -- just because money can buy freedom, doesn't make it right
george lucas -- I'll give you THREE guesses... I wish I could just wish him away...
michael moore -- because I'm american!
sean penn -- because some people need to keep their uneducated mouths closed!
tom cruise -- come on tom... time to get out of the closet!
mayor dick daley -- no dick... the entire state of illinois ISN'T chicago!
governor blago -- and I thought the corrupt george ryan was an idiot!!!
the guys at FOX who decided to cancel Firefly
rosie o'donnell -- well.. duh!

more to come

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