Friday, April 20, 2007

I haven't talked about the tragedy at Virginia Tech...

...mainly because this week has been all about catching up. We were in St. Louis at the time and missed all of the 'breaking news' (That may actually be a good thing).

Read this article here...

Nugent: Gun-free zones are recipe for disaster

By Ted Nugent
Special to CNN

Editor's note: Rock guitarist Ted Nugent has sold more than 30 million albums. He's also a gun rights activist and serves on the board of directors of the National Rifle Association. His program, "Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild," can be seen on the Outdoor Channel.

WACO, Texas (CNN) -- Zero tolerance, huh? Gun-free zones, huh? Try this on for size: Columbine gun-free zone, New York City pizza shop gun-free zone, Luby's Cafeteria gun-free zone, Amish school in Pennsylvania gun-free zone and now Virginia Tech gun-free zone.

Anybody see what the evil Brady Campaign and other anti-gun cults have created? I personally have zero tolerance for evil and denial. And America had best wake up real fast that the brain-dead celebration of unarmed helplessness will get you killed every time, and I've about had enough of it.

Nearly a decade ago, a Springfield, Oregon, high schooler, a hunter familiar with firearms, was able to bring an unfolding rampage to an abrupt end when he identified a gunman attempting to reload his .22-caliber rifle, made the tactical decision to make a move and tackled the shooter.

A few years back, an assistant principal at Pearl High School in Mississippi, which was a gun-free zone, retrieved his legally owned Colt .45 from his car and stopped a Columbine wannabe from continuing his massacre at another school after he had killed two and wounded more at Pearl.

At an eighth-grade school dance in Pennsylvania, a boy fatally shot a teacher and wounded two students before the owner of the dance hall brought the killing to a halt with his own gun.

More recently, just a few miles up the road from Virginia Tech, two law school students ran to fetch their legally owned firearm to stop a madman from slaughtering anybody and everybody he pleased. These brave, average, armed citizens neutralized him pronto.

My hero, Dr. Suzanne Gratia Hupp, was not allowed by Texas law to carry her handgun into Luby's Cafeteria that fateful day in 1991, when due to bureaucrat-forced unarmed helplessness she could do nothing to stop satanic George Hennard from killing 23 people and wounding more than 20 others before he shot himself. Hupp was unarmed for no other reason than denial-ridden "feel good" politics.

She has since led the charge for concealed weapon upgrade in Texas, where we can now stop evil. Yet, there are still the mindless puppets of the Brady Campaign and other anti-gun organizations insisting on continuing the gun-free zone insanity by which innocents are forced into unarmed helplessness. Shame on them. Shame on America. Shame on the anti-gunners all.

No one was foolish enough to debate Ryder truck regulations or ammonia nitrate restrictions or a "cult of agriculture fertilizer" following the unabashed evil of Timothy McVeigh's heinous crime against America on that fateful day in Oklahoma City. No one faulted kitchen utensils or other hardware of choice after Jeffrey Dahmer was caught drugging, mutilating, raping, murdering and cannibalizing his victims. Nobody wanted "steak knife control" as they autopsied the dead nurses in Chicago, Illinois, as Richard Speck went on trial for mass murder.

Evil is as evil does, and laws disarming guaranteed victims make evil people very, very happy. Shame on us.

Already spineless gun control advocates are squawking like chickens with their tiny-brained heads chopped off, making political hay over this most recent, devastating Virginia Tech massacre, when in fact it is their own forced gun-free zone policy that enabled the unchallenged methodical murder of 32 people.

Thirty-two people dead on a U.S. college campus pursuing their American Dream, mowed-down over an extended period of time by a lone, non-American gunman in illegal possession of a firearm on campus in defiance of a zero-tolerance gun law. Feel better yet? Didn't think so.

Who doesn't get this? Who has the audacity to demand unarmed helplessness? Who likes dead good guys?

I'll tell you who. People who tramp on the Second Amendment, that's who. People who refuse to accept the self-evident truth that free people have the God-given right to keep and bear arms, to defend themselves and their loved ones. People who are so desperate in their drive to control others, so mindless in their denial that they pretend access to gas causes arson, Ryder trucks and fertilizer cause terrorism, water causes drowning, forks and spoons cause obesity, dialing 911 will somehow save your life, and that their greedy clamoring to "feel good" is more important than admitting that armed citizens are much better equipped to stop evil than unarmed, helpless ones.

Pray for the families of victims everywhere, America. Study the methodology of evil. It has a profile, a system, a preferred environment where victims cannot fight back. Embrace the facts, demand upgrade and be certain that your children's school has a better plan than Virginia Tech or Columbine. Eliminate the insanity of gun-free zones, which will never, ever be gun-free zones. They will only be good guy gun-free zones, and that is a recipe for disaster written in blood on the altar of denial. I, for one, refuse to genuflect there.
Ted makes some excellent points in this article. What happened was a tragedy but I can't help but think that the outcome could have been different if the professors or students actually had the ability to defend themselves and others if they weren't forced into a state of disarmament by the school.

Borrowing from Tom Gresham's article (link)...
According to the school’s “Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention Policy”:
“The university’s employees, students, and volunteers, or any visitor or other third party attending a sporting, entertainment, or educational event, or visiting an academic or administrative office building or residence hall, are further prohibited from carrying, maintaining, or storing a firearm or weapon on any university facility, even if the owner has a valid permit, when it is not required by the individual’s job, or in accordance with the relevant University Student Life Policies.

Any such individual who is reported or discovered to possess a firearm or weapon on university property will be asked to remove it immediately. Failure to comply may result in a student judicial referral and/or arrest, or an employee disciplinary action and/or arrest.”
(Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Policy 5616, Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention Policy,
Now I'm not saying carrying a concealed handgun is right for everybody or even most people, but those who have gone through the process to obtain a concealed carry permit (training, background check, etc.) and would have otherwise been carrying their concealed handguns were prevented in doing so by University Policy and that policy may very well have allowed the killing spree to continue instead of the killer being stopped in his tracks by a law abiding student/teacher.

Far fetched you say? Well it has ALREADY happened! Ted cites a few examples of how that has worked in the past... Pearl High School in Mississippi, the eighth-grade school dance in Pennsylvania, the Appalachian Law School in Virginia.

And a few more where because of the "gun free zone" no one could defend themselves or others... Columbine, New York City pizza shop, Luby's Cafeteria, Amish school in Pennsylvania and now Virginia Tech.

More gun control is NOT the answer! Murder is already illegal and the University policy didn't deter this killer from bringing his gun on campus.

It's no surprise that the cities with the most restrictive gun laws also have the highest crime rates. Washington DC, New York, LA, Chicago.... if you were a criminal, would you rather 'work'... in an area where your potential victims could be carrying a handgun with the potential to defend themselves or in an area where the 'good guys' are legislated out of self-defense. This, ladies and gentlemen, is why the crime rates have dropped in EVERY single area where concealed carry laws have passed.

It amazes me how anyone could think that if someone is determined to murder people (already illegal) that they would even give a shit about breaking gun control laws on their way to the murder. A criminal (by definition) will not follow those laws. All they do is restrict the ability of the law abiding the right to carry a handgun for lawful defense.

I have gone through the process of obtaining a concealed carry permit multiple times. I have a carry permit that allows me to carry concealed in 30 states! But, sadly, while I can carry concealed in over 1/2 of this great Country, in my own State of Illinois, I'd be arrested and charged with a felony if I was caught carrying a concealed firearm.

There are over 250,000,000 guns in America. There are around 300,000,000 people. Do the math... Guns aren't going anywhere in the USA. They banned guns in England and gun crime still exists.. but now knife crime is at an all time high. Now they are passing laws restricting the type of knives they can eat a steak dinner with! Next up will be a spike in blunt instrument crimes.

As I'm typing this CNN is reporting a shooting at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. Very little details are available but I should point out that NASA security rules do not allow weapons on the property.

Evil will always find a way.

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