Wow... traffic school didn't suck...
If you're ever required to do Traffic School in Lake County... seek out a class headed by Lake County Probation Officer Terry Barrett!
He was a substitute teacher for my traffic school and let me tell ya... he kicked serious ass! He was so personable and dynamic the 4 hour class just sped right by (forgive the pun). The guy was such a natural he made the class... dare I say... fun?!?
Anyway.... We got to watch a video reenacting the events which lead to Princess Diana's death. It was pretty cool stuff and as expected Terry's major goal was to encourage seat belt usage. The highlight of the class was when Terry had to kick out a dude that fell asleep and was snoring! He gave him a second chance but 15-20 minutes later he was snoring again and Terry had no choice but to kick his sorry ass out.
By the time the class ended we were all hopefully wearing our seatbelts and were a little more respectful of others on the road. That's not a bad thing.