Thursday, April 22, 2004

Up yours Real!!

As you may or may not be aware... RealNetworks CEO Rob Glaser has been whining because he wants Apple to open up the iPod to other music services... mainly THEIRS!

In early April Glaser sent an e-mail to Jobs proposing that the two companies join together in the digital music business against Microsoft. Glaser pretty much threatened to switch support to Microsoft if they didn't come to an agreement. Great article here. Apple leaked the e-mail to the New York Times brining this to public light.

Steve Jobs publically responded today stating...

"To be honest, it's just not worth it," Jobs said, noting that RealNetworks has made a number of overtures to Apple and adding that Real's music service has been "less than successful."

I agree... I say screw RealNetworks. They were on the top of the streaming media game back in the day but as competition began they were soon the loser. I agree with Cooper's article... RealPlayer is an inferior (and I'll add bloated) product that's riddled with ads we don't want and secretly 'calls the mothership' constantly! And to top it off... people want to OWN their music NOT rent it per a subscription based system like RealNetwork's.

Read the full article here.

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