Saturday, January 31, 2004

My Second iMovie Creation...


I had a hard time figuring out where I was going to go with this project and I even created an entire scene for it but eventually decided to pull it out and go for a little journey up the Las Vegas Strip. This video runs just over 7 minutes.

Unfortunately to do this video any justice, 23.6MB is as small as I could shrink it and maintain at least moderate quality. That said, watching this video is not recommended for dial up users.

Let me know what you think!

Sunday, January 25, 2004

My First iMovie...

I've had iMovie ever since I bought this laptop a year ago but I never really had the hard drive space to create anything. DV Video is 13GB per hour after all! Since I bought a 160GB Firewire harddrive to put all of my music and video files on I have room to work with now.

This is my first 'real' iMovie project. It's called "Our Dog Bailey" and it runs about 4 minutes long. Let me know what you think of it. I know the text looks small on this little video file but I created it with TV in mind and it looks great on the TV.

Unfortunately to do this video any justice, 9.2MB is as small as I could shrink it and maintain at least moderate quality. That said, watching this video is not recommended for dial up users.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Along with Panther, I've upgraded to iLife '04

Garageband is really cool. I'm going to build a some iMovies in the next few days.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

I'm up and running with Panther now...

I'm up and running with Panther now...

The install went smooth and now I'm in the process of reinstalling software n stuff. (I did a full format/panther install)

First impressions... Exposé really kicks ass!

I paid $109 for it at CDW which was really surprising since everywhere else sells it for $129.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Kodak to stop making APS, some film cameras

Proving that Film is on its way out and Digital is the future, Kodak announced yesterday that will...

"...end distribution of reloadable APS cameras worldwide, and reloadable 35 mm cameras in the U.S., Canada, and Western Europe by the end of 2004." "We are exiting the APS camera business because of declining consumer demand, which has led to unsatisfactory returns...Selling APS film and photofinishing remains a very attractive business for retailers. In addition, consumers who use APS film are highly loyal to the format. We remain committed to delivering enhanced consumer benefits in our APS films, and we will continue to provide service and support for retailers and consumers."

Regardless of their continued support of the film & its processing this is a death sentence for the format as it is expected that the other leading APS camera manufacturers will soon follow suit.

Microsoft reversed a decision to stop Windows 98 support

"Under Monday's decision, the software giant would maintain paid phone support for the operating systems and review security threats to determine whether it will provide customers with security patches through June 30, 2006."

This is mainly due to the large amount of PC's running Win 98 in Third World Countries.

Article Here.

Wednesday, January 7, 2004

"Into each generation a Slayer is born...

...One girl in all the world, a Chosen One. One born with the strength and skill to fight the vampires, to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers."

I just finished watching Buffy season 5 and with out spoiling it for those that haven't watched it yet... I must say that it was AWESOME! The BEST season of Buffy yet! Anyone who thinks that Sarah Michelle Gellar can't act obviously hasn't seen "The Body". I'm looking GREATLY forward to season 6.

Apple Release a mini iPod...

The idea doesn't suck... but the price does!

A Chicago Evening...

This image was taken from our 11th Floor Suite at the Embassy Suites on State Street in Chicago. This is not through a window, the window was open a few inches, enough to stick the lens outside. We're looking East. Handheld but braced against the window.

Finally... a company with GOOD customer service...

Let me explain a tad first for the computer illiterate...

I have a 40 GB hard drive that I use to backup data. That drive is NOT inside my computer. It's a normal hard drive that's placed into a firewire hard drive kit that I can access with my PC or my Mac. It's similar to the 160GB Firewire drive I'm going to buy soon but this is just the kit, not the hard drive.

Well... several weeks ago it started shutting itself off. Even though this unit was 3 months past it's 1 year warranty I e-mailed the company and told them. I figured, what the hell. Very much to my surprise they gave me an RMA# and told me to ship it to them. I did just that and today I received a brand new unit! Getting something tech fixed for free after the warranty is up is damn rare now days.

The name of the company is ADS Technologies and their website is... I will CERTAINLY deal with their company/products again.

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