Wednesday, January 7, 2004

Finally... a company with GOOD customer service...

Let me explain a tad first for the computer illiterate...

I have a 40 GB hard drive that I use to backup data. That drive is NOT inside my computer. It's a normal hard drive that's placed into a firewire hard drive kit that I can access with my PC or my Mac. It's similar to the 160GB Firewire drive I'm going to buy soon but this is just the kit, not the hard drive.

Well... several weeks ago it started shutting itself off. Even though this unit was 3 months past it's 1 year warranty I e-mailed the company and told them. I figured, what the hell. Very much to my surprise they gave me an RMA# and told me to ship it to them. I did just that and today I received a brand new unit! Getting something tech fixed for free after the warranty is up is damn rare now days.

The name of the company is ADS Technologies and their website is... I will CERTAINLY deal with their company/products again.

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