Sunday, January 25, 2004

My First iMovie...

I've had iMovie ever since I bought this laptop a year ago but I never really had the hard drive space to create anything. DV Video is 13GB per hour after all! Since I bought a 160GB Firewire harddrive to put all of my music and video files on I have room to work with now.

This is my first 'real' iMovie project. It's called "Our Dog Bailey" and it runs about 4 minutes long. Let me know what you think of it. I know the text looks small on this little video file but I created it with TV in mind and it looks great on the TV.

Unfortunately to do this video any justice, 9.2MB is as small as I could shrink it and maintain at least moderate quality. That said, watching this video is not recommended for dial up users.

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