Thursday, February 26, 2004

10 things I've learned about "The Passion of the Christ"

... in no particular order...

1. Ebert says it's the most violent movie he's ever seen (and that's saying a lot!)

2. Not a single word of English is spoked... you have to read along via subtitles.

3. Mel Gibson paid for the entire movie out of his own pocket. ($25 million)

4. A lady in Kansas had a heart attack and died while watching it!

5. It opened in more than 3,000 theaters — an unusually large release for a religious film

6. Much of the controversy surrounding the film concerns the line referring to Jews from the Book of Matthew, which reads “His blood be on us, and on our children.” Critics had asked Gibson to remove that line from the final edit but he chose instead to leave it in while deleting the subtitle that translated it.

7. Mel is a "Traditionalist Catholic" which views the modernizing reforms of the Second Vatican Council as a conspiracy between Jews and Masons to take over the church.

8. You can REALLY PISS PEOPLE OFF by referring to the entire movie as one of the central myths of western civilization and Insisting that the Jews called for Jesus's crucifixion is an easy way to start a fight.

9. The Anti-Defamation League warned Gibson about potential consequences of the film... to fuel and legitimize anti-Semitism.

10. The movie is rated R but if it were any other movie, it would certainly get an NC-17.

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