Friday, February 20, 2004

I guess they throw fair use out the window...

Okay... some idiot federal judge in San Francisco (SF is in the news a lot recently) decided today that 321 Studios, the makers of DVD X Copy has seven days to stop distributing its DVD-copying products.

"The company said it would immediately ask for an emergency stay that would let it keep the software on the shelves but would appeal Illston's ruling, regardless of what happened."

Basically the judge decided that consumers don't have the right to back up their DVDs even though the practice of backing up music CDs and converting the music into other formats is widely accepted.

In a press release from 321 Studios today...

“Despite today's ruling, 321 stands firm in our vow to fight the Hollywood Studios in their effort to take away our customers' digital rights ,” said Robert Moore, Founder and President of 321 Studios. “There is no difference between making a copy of a music CD for personal use and making a backup of a DVD movie for personal use. We are so firm in our belief in the principle of fair use that we will appeal this ruling immediately. And we will take our fight all the way to the Supreme Court, if that's what it takes to win.”

I don't own this software... I use FREE software on the mac that will copy it for me. But I for one, am glad this company is taking a stand! I bring this to your attention because I FIRMLY believe that consumers have the right to make backup copies of ALL of their software (computer, games, audio, video, etc.) if they choose to and it's wrong for any court to decide otherwise! It doesn't make sense that I can make a backup copy of my $650 Photoshop CS, or the $300 Final Cut Express but I can't backup a $5.88 Wal-Mart bargain bin DVD!

This is just more proof that the DMCA is a pathetic law and that Clinton was a fucking idiot for signing a law he didn't fully understand!

Full article here.

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