Thursday, February 5, 2004

Disney vs. Pixar & Eisner vs. Disney & Jobs vs. Disney

In case you weren't aware of the recent goings on, let me fill you in...

Roy Disney, the last Disney family member on the board, was forced into mandatory retirement on November 30th. Walt would be rolling over in his cryogenic chamber after hearing this! Due to this, the next day another board member, Stanley Gold, quit. In his resignation letter he seconded Roy Disney's call for the removal of Michael Eisner as chairman and CEO.

Read the articles here, here and here.


Disney closed down their Animation Studios at Disney-MGM Studios Theme Park in Orlando firing some and relocating others to Anahiem, CA where their Animation headquarters are located. They citied that they were more profitable with Pixar's films. By the way... Roy was in charge of Disney's animation department.

Article here.


After 10 months of trying to get the deal they were looking for, Pixar ended talks with Disney and is now looking for a new studio to distribute their movies beginning in 2006. Both Roy Disney and Stanley Gold blame Eisner for mismanaging the Pixar partnership.

Disney points out that they own rights to all the Pixar movies plus the two movies remaining on their contract. "The Incredibles" due this year and "Cars", expected in 2005.

Disney also notes that they are currently working on Toy Story 3 in their own digital animation departments.

Let me be one of the first to say that this movie will suck big time if John Lasseter & Andrew Stanton aren't involved in them and since they work at Pixar... they won't be.

It will also help to point out that Steve Jobs of Apple fame has been the CEO of Pixar since he bought it from George Lucas in the mid 80's for a mere 10 Million. (George needed cash fast after a divorce)

Articles here, here and here.

Next up...

A CNN/Money article speculates that it's not a bad idea for Apple to buy Pixar. Since Steve Jobs is the CEO of both, I do not disagree.

Now earlier today...

An MSNBC article gives us excellent quotes from Pixar's Quaterly & Full Year Conference Call...

Steve Jobs on the prospect of Disney making a Toy Story 3....

“We feel sick about Disney doing sequels,” Jobs said. “If you look at the quality of their sequels, such as ’Lion King 1½’ and (the Peter Pan sequel ’Return to Neverland’), it’s pretty embarrassing.”

Steve Jobs on Pixar vs. Disney quality...

“You can compare the creative quality (of Pixar films) with the creative quality of Disney’s last three films and judge each company’s creative ability yourselves.”

Steve Jobs on Disney's last 2 animated films... Brother Bear and Treasure Planet...

“No amount of marketing will turn a dud into a hit...”

what an excellent low blow! lol

Here's another article that basically says the same thing.

And if that weren't enough, the New York Post has an article today suggesting that Stanley and Roy would like Steve Jobs to run Disney.

Let me just pause on that for a minute. Steve Jobs running Disney. His touch inside Disney World. That would never happen but god damn it would be interesting!

Anyway... what does this all mean? Hell if I know. But it will be interesting to see how this all turns out. I can't wait to see what happens at Disney's shareholders meeting on March 3rd in Philly. And in case you haven't figured it out, I'm on Pixar's side... it's all about quality.

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