Thursday, February 5, 2004

Chicago Sun Times = Idiots

The article doesn't mention that you can easily call TiVo or DirecTV to opt out if you don't want your information included with everyone else's. I didn't opt out. I'm ALL FOR TiVo using my watching data. They will see that 99% of the time I NEVER watch a single commercial and they will see what shows I like to watch. If that helps keep them on the air... all the better!!

Oh yeah... and for the record... I didn't watch the Superbowl... I TiVo'ed it to see the commercials and even after hearing about the stupid Half Time incident, I still deleted it without going back to check it out. I'm sorry but Janet Jackson does NOTHING for me. Now if it were Jennifer Garner, that's something completely different! ;-)Post Options

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