Friday, February 20, 2004

Craig's Official MP3 Player Buyer Advice

Craig's Official MP3 Player Advice: It's no secret that the iPod is by far the best MP3 player in the world. So good in fact that HP decided not to even bother competing... instead of making their own they struck a deal with Apple to release an HP branded iPod later this year! If you are planning to spend over $100 on a player (with an extra memory card could push you past $150) I urge you to take a hard look at the iPod Mini. It's a much more cost effective solution when compared to a flash based player where you have to factor in the cost of the player AND the extra memory card(s). You're looking at like 60 songs vs. 1000 songs. After it has sunk in that it makes FAR more sense to buy one, then consider the extra $50 for the 15GB iPod. Which is more important to you, size of the player or size of the hard drive?

After getting an iPod or Mini your music collection will grow rapidly. In my humble opinion, it's better to plan ahead than be stuck worrying about which songs to take with you on your next ________ (fill in the blank) I SAY TAKE THEM ALL WITH YOU! And you also have access to the iTunes Music Store and Audible audio books to boot! I like room to grow. I have 15GB available on my 40GB iPod. I currently have 35.4 days of content!

The moral... try to make a good choices BEFORE you buy. Having to buy a new (larger capacity) player in 4 months will cost more than buying the proper player in the first place.

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